Our Research

Missing Marriage and the Baby Carriage
Missing Marriage and the Baby Carriage

A Cardus research brief highlighting unpartnered young adults and the decline of fertility in Canada.

Exit Covid: What have we learned, and where should Canada be focusing post-pandemic?
Exit Covid: What have we learned, and where should Canada be focusing post-pandemic?

Imagine Canada like a car: we’ve just had the rare experience of smashing our economy, culture, and society into a brick wall at high speed—whether through the disease itself or our response to it. And like crash-test engineers, we now have to perform the analysis.

What did we learn? How did we fare? What performed better than expected, and what worse? And, most importantly, where do we go from here?

Pandemic Pivot - Christian Independent Schooling During the Initial 2020 Lockdown
Pandemic Pivot - Christian Independent Schooling During the Initial 2020 Lockdown

The social, emotional, academic, and economic implications of the global COVID-19 pandemic will be studied for years to come. This paper reports how these schools pivoted from offering face-to-face education to remote learning from March to June 2020. 

Redeeming the Buzzword: A Distinctively Christian Approach to “Innovation” in Education
Redeeming the Buzzword: A Distinctively Christian Approach to “Innovation” in Education

Dr. Beth Green delivered the following remarks on October 6, 2017 at the Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning’s conference “Christian Teaching and Learning: Pathways and Possibilities,” at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The text has been lightly adapted to appear in print.

Turning Aces into Assets: Policy Brief
Turning Aces into Assets: Policy Brief

Building financial security for all Canadians, but especially for the most vulnerable, is widely recognized as an important policy priority. Governments have a unique opportunity to kick gambling addiction to work for, not against, low-income households.

Turning Aces into Assets
Turning Aces into Assets

Four Options to Help the Government Turn Its Addiction to Gambling Revenue into Assets for the Poor

Vaccination Incentives for the Common Good
Vaccination Incentives for the Common Good

We’re almost there! The pandemic’s terrible toll on people’s lives and our country as a whole is coming close to an end. The one thing that will ultimately crush COVID-19’s deadly threat: vaccines.

Look Before You Leap: The Real Costs and Complexities of National Daycare
Look Before You Leap: The Real Costs and Complexities of National Daycare

The federal budget of 2021 offers national daycare at a cost of $30 billion over five years, with an annual cost of $9.2 billion after that. This sounds like a lot of funding, but is it enough?

This research report offers a detailed assessment of the real cost of national daycare and the amounts that provincial governments will realistically be responsible for contributing once the federal funding is spent.

Unchartered Territory: A Historical and Critical Analysis of Alberta’s Prohibition on Religious Charter Schools
Unchartered Territory: A Historical and Critical Analysis of Alberta’s Prohibition on Religious Charter Schools

Mild reforms were recently introduced to Alberta’s charter-school policy, but a most unaccommodating prohibition remains: Charter schools cannot be religious.

Family Policy Brief
Family Policy Brief

Strong, stable families are irreplaceable and are foundational to a healthy society. Good family policy can also enhance family well-being by addressing the diverse needs of families and their most vulnerable members, children.

Protections for Users of High-Cost Credit
Protections for Users of High-Cost Credit

The Government of Ontario is considering establishing new protections for users of alternative financial services (AFS). AFS are high-cost financial services provided outside of traditional financial institutions like banks and credit unions. Common AFS offerings include payday loans, instalment loans, lines of credit, and auto title loans. Ontario currently regulates payday loans. The government recently invited consultation on draft proposals and options intended to strengthen protection for borrowers and improve the regulation of high-cost credit agreements, other than payday loans.

This consultation is in addition to Ontario’s comprehensive review of the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 (CPA), the law governing many personal and household transactions by consumers. The CPA’s rules support a fair and competitive marketplace where consumers make their own choices without being subject to unfair business practices.

Cardus submitted the following responses to the questions posed in the consultation.

Building Community
Building Community

Building community has not been easy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gathering restrictions have been difficult enough for those with strong relationships, but for those who were already struggling to develop meaningful connections, the added challenges of physical distancing requirements and stay-at-home orders have simply added to their social isolation.

Public Worship Leads to Public Action
Public Worship Leads to Public Action

When we speak about public worship, especially in the Christian tradition, we often use the term liturgy. Liturgy derives from the Greek word leitourgia which originally meant any public act. Christians in particular came to refer to religious worship, which has always been a public action, as liturgy: the coming together of the Christian community to praise and hymn God; to proclaim God’s Word; to offer petitions for the community and for the world; and, for many Christians, to participate in the Eucharist. But what then? Why is public worship important? What happens after our times of public worship? What is the liturgy after the liturgy?

Ve'ahavta - A Case Study on Jewish Humanitarian Response to Poverty
Ve'ahavta - A Case Study on Jewish Humanitarian Response to Poverty

Ve’ahavta is a faith-based initiative of the Toronto Jewish community. Its focus is on bringing about positive change in the lives of people who have been affected by poverty, homelessness, and related forms of hardship. Its outreach activities are available to anyone who might benefit, regardless of their faith or belief.

Child Care by the Numbers - Canada
Child Care by the Numbers - Canada

Child-care policies should be equitable for all families, regardless of the type of care they choose. Universal child-care systems fail to recognize the diverse care needs of Canadian parents and their reasons for the type of care they choose.

The Welcome Home, Winnipeg
The Welcome Home, Winnipeg

The Welcome Home is a Catholic ministry in the North Point Douglas neighbourhood in Winnipeg’s North End. It serves as a gathering place for residents of the neighbourhood and offers weekly and monthly programs that respond to Jesus Christ’s beckoning in the Gospel of Matthew: “Come to me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you” (Matthew 11:28).

Pastoral Home Care of the Archdiocese of Montreal / SASMAD
Pastoral Home Care of the Archdiocese of Montreal / SASMAD

Le Service d’accompagnement spirituel pour les personnes malades ou âgées à domicile (SASMAD), or as it is known in English, Pastoral Home Care, is an outreach program of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal. It is a free and confidential service that provides spiritual support through home visits to those who are sick or elderly. It is volunteer based and is supported by the archdiocese and by a private Catholic foundation.

Is Quebec a model of high-quality, affordable care?
Is Quebec a model of high-quality, affordable care?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? The pertinent question is if Quebec offers a model of high-quality, affordable care?

Does the Quebec model help parents?
Does the Quebec model help parents?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? More importantly, does the Quebec model help parents?

Should the federal government introduce a new child-care model?
Should the federal government introduce a new child-care model?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? More importantly, Should the federal government introduce a new child-care model? 

Cash benefits for families and a national daycare system?
Cash benefits for families and a national daycare system?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? More importantly, can we have both cash benefits for families and a national daycare system?

Will a “universal” early-learning and child-care system get mothers back to work?
Will a “universal” early-learning and child-care system get mothers back to work?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? More importantly, will a “universal” early-learning and child-care system get mothers back to waged work after the pandemic? 

Do those who oppose a national daycare system also oppose working mothers?
Do those who oppose a national daycare system also oppose working mothers?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? More importantly, do those who oppose a national daycare system also oppose working mothers? 

Does Nobel Prize–winning economist James Heckman support universal daycare?
Does Nobel Prize–winning economist James Heckman support universal daycare?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? Another question that begs to be answered is if Nobel Prize–winning economist James Heckman supports universal daycare? 

Do we have a credible cost estimate for a national, high-quality universal daycare system?
Do we have a credible cost estimate for a national, high-quality universal daycare system?

Since the start of the pandemic, calls for universal child care have picked up steam.   Before pursuing this policy approach, however, there are important questions to answer. These questions pertain to all aspects of child care—accessibility, quality, and cost. Every family is different, and child care needs and desires vary. Will a federally funded, universal system be able to meet these needs? More importantly, do we have a credible cost estimate for a national, high-quality universal daycare system?  

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