Table of Contents
Table of Contents

    Exit Covid: What have we learned, and where should Canada be focusing post-pandemic?

    Imagine Canada like a car: we’ve just had the rare experience of smashing our economy, culture, and society into a brick wall at high speed—whether through the disease itself or our response to it. And like crash-test engineers, we now have to perform the analysis.

    What did we learn? How did we fare? What performed better than expected, and what worse? And, most importantly, where do we go from here?

    Imagine Canada like a car: we’ve just had the rare experience of smashing our economy, culture, and society into a brick wall at high speed—whether through the disease itself or our response to it. And like crash-test engineers, we now have to perform the analysis.

    What did we learn? How did we fare? What performed better than expected, and what worse? And, most importantly, where do we go from here?

    Read the White Paper: