Education Pluralism

We suggest:

  • The independent school sector is an important contributor to the public good in Canada. It should receive the appropriate government and public support.
  • Educational pluralism should be encouraged.
  • Canadian parents should be able to choose the type of school (including homeschooling) that they believe is best for their children.

Supporting Research

Toward a Warmer Climate for Ontario's Private Schools
Start Here
Derek Allison
September 4, 2014
What is Ontario going to do about its private schools? Cardus explores the need for a serious policy review in this discussion paper by Dr. Derek Allison, emeritus professor in the education faculty at Western University. "Something of a chilly climate has developed toward non-public schools in Ontario," writes Allison. This report argues to politicians, bureaucrats, and fellow citizens that both private and public education are goods that can be intertwined and made interdependent to foster a stable, orderly, and integrated society.
Needs Improvement: How Public Schools Teach about Religion
Andrew P.W. Bennett
January 26, 2022
Are students in public schools receiving the necessary formation that will support their participation in a society that is becoming increasingly diverse in religious expression? Instructing the next generations not in a religion but about religion should be a key element of Canadian education.
Pandemic Response: How Christian Independent Schools Responded to a Year of COVID-19
Paul Marcus, Nicole Brouwer, Deani Van Pelt, Tena Boven, David Hunt
August 20, 2021
This report explores how learning continued in Ontario’s independent schools during the continuous and disruptive school closures of the 2020–21 school year. It also investigates the financial, promotional, and business impact of these disruptions.


Leading Courageously, Renewing Hope: Converge 2022
March 8, 2022
Imagine a room full of over 1,200 Christian education leaders from around the world? Now, imagine this near a beach in sunny Southern California in early March? Cardus and eleven other organizations across the globe will descend on San Diego to bring Converge 2022 to life. Join us for a week of 50+ TED talks, panels, workshops, and most especially, connecting with fellow Christian education leaders – in-person!
Exit COVID: Toward What Matters Most (Two Night Virtual Event)
June 22, 2021
Join us as we Exit COVID: Toward what matters most.
From Pandemic Pivot to Exit (Cardus Education Event)
June 10, 2021
How did independent schools successfully respond to lockdowns and the pandemic? As we look to exit COVID, what can all schools learn from their pivot? Join us and a panel of experts for an encouraging and hope-filled discussion, based on Cardus’ latest research.

Media Coverage

No School Left Behind: Why All Education Is Public
Christianity Today
May 10, 2023
"When we use the term education system, we shouldn’t think about a single network of schools (government-run or otherwise) where 'private' ones lie outside that space," Ray Pennings, Executive Vice-President of Cardus, writes in Christianity Today. "Instead, we need to see all schools as participating in the development of the next generation of workers, neighbors, and voters who will together build a flourishing society."
Innovative Structural and Financial Models in U.S. Christian Education
International Journal of Educational Development
April 21, 2023
The International Journal of Educational Development has published a peer reviewed journal article based on Future Ready, a book by ACSI and Cardus exploring how Christian schools are innovating new structural, financial, and operational models.   Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
What’s Missing from the School Choice Debate
April 20, 2023
"The school choice debate is not a binary 'either/or,'” write David Hunt, education program director at Cardus, and Erik Ellefsen, a Cardus senior fellow. "Parents are increasingly choosing between a wider array of options, such as public-charter schools, open-enrollment public schools, virtual schools (of all kinds), micro schools, religious schools, and non-religious independent schools." Photo by Muhammad Rizwan on Unsplash

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Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
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