Education Outcomes

We suggest:

  • Christian schools produce societally desirable outcomes in their graduates.

Supporting Research

Cardus Education Survey: Phase I Report (2011)
Start Here
Ray Pennings, Kathryn Wiens
August 16, 2011
Do Christian schools deliver on their promises? Cardus reports on the largest-ever sample of Christian school graduates and administrators in North America, focusing on students' spiritual formation, cultural engagement, and academic development. This report is available for purchase in PDF or book form, and and its accompanying curricula are available free of charge in digital form, and at cost in print form.
What Ontario Parents Pay for Independent Schooling
David Hunt, Joanna DeJong VanHof, Jenisa Los
April 25, 2023
What is the true cost of sending a child to an Ontario independent school? Cardus surveyed 21 independent school principals in Ontario to help answer that question, providing a fuller picture of this often misunderstood school sector.
Collective Leadership
Jonathan Eckert
January 25, 2023
How can Christian schools thrive in a time when pandemic and polarization are causing school leaders and teachers to burn out? Jonathan Eckert, a Cardus Senior Fellow and education professor at Baylor University, suggests collective leadership offers a model that can sustainably bring out the best in any school's teaching team.

Special Projects

Cardus Education Survey

Cardus Education Survey

Do Christian schools deliver on their promises? Cardus reports on the largest-ever sample of Christian school graduates and administrators in North America, focusing on students' spiritual formation, cultural engagement, and academic development.  


From Scarcity to Abundance (Pre-Conference Event)
March 8, 2022
The long-awaited Converge 2022 global summit starts the evening of March 8, 2022. This pre-conference event takes place that afternoon, immediately before and in addition to the general conference. This event is a panel discussion between Cardus senior fellows on current innovation and new trends in Christian school financial sustainability and growth.
The State of the System: A Reality Check on Canada's Schools in Light of COVID
September 30, 2020
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic left our schools scrambling. The sudden need for distance education thrust our kids into an experiment with online learning that we weren’t ready for. Whatever the results of that experiment prove to be, we already know the experience exposed significant cracks in education: inflexibility, inequity, and over-centralized control. So, how do we make education more resilient for the future?
Making the Public Good Case for Private Schools
October 8, 2019
A reception and panel discussion exploring independent schools and their contributions to the public good in the United States.

Media Coverage

No School Left Behind: Why All Education Is Public
Christianity Today
May 10, 2023
"When we use the term education system, we shouldn’t think about a single network of schools (government-run or otherwise) where 'private' ones lie outside that space," Ray Pennings, Executive Vice-President of Cardus, writes in Christianity Today. "Instead, we need to see all schools as participating in the development of the next generation of workers, neighbors, and voters who will together build a flourishing society."
What’s Missing from the School Choice Debate
April 20, 2023
"The school choice debate is not a binary 'either/or,'” write David Hunt, education program director at Cardus, and Erik Ellefsen, a Cardus senior fellow. "Parents are increasingly choosing between a wider array of options, such as public-charter schools, open-enrollment public schools, virtual schools (of all kinds), micro schools, religious schools, and non-religious independent schools." Photo by Muhammad Rizwan on Unsplash
Culture War Against Saskatchewan Religious Schools Must Cease
The Saskatoon StarPhoenix
April 17, 2023
"Mischaracterizing all religious independent schools as bastions of abuse and intolerance that don’t prepare students for post-secondary education is false," writes David Hunt, education program director at Cardus. "Robust social science research confirms religious independent schools produce civic-minded graduates ready to contribute to society."

What else are we working toward?

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Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
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