Leading Courageously, Renewing Hope: Converge 2022 (Past Event)

Leading Courageously, Renewing Hope: Converge 2022

Date + Time

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Quick Summary

Imagine a room full of over 1,200 Christian education leaders from around the world? Now, imagine this near a beach in sunny Southern California in early March? Cardus and eleven other organizations across the globe will descend on San Diego to bring Converge 2022 to life. Join us for a week of 50+ TED talks, panels, workshops, and most especially, connecting with fellow Christian education leaders – in-person!


Converge (formerly GCSLS or the Global Christian School Leadership Summit) is the premier global conference for leaders in Christian education. At Converge, you will discover a community of fellow Christian educators who are committed to leading courageously, empowering students, and engaging their communities.

The theme for Converge 2022 is “Leading Courageously, Renewing Hope.”  Amidst global challenges, Christian educators from across the world will explore how schools can lead courageously in their communities—by bridging divides, restoring wholeness, acting justly, embracing change, and empowering students—all from the hope we find in Christ.


A Christ-centered commitment to tackle the challenges that are most pressing in our communities, through courageous conversation and redemptive action.


Engaging of sessions and content from world-class thought leaders, from TED talks, panels and workshops.


Connect with fellow leaders from around the world to be encouraged and to be inspired. 


Cardus will be hosting a pre-conference event in San Diego on March 8. The conference will run through March 8-10, 2022.

Join us! More info about the pre-conference event here. Register yourself and your team for Converge 2022 here, as well as find the link for hotel reservations at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego.



Date + Time

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


Town and Country Resort
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA