Faith Communities

We suggest:

  • Faith communities provide much more than just religious programs for their own adherents.
  • Faith communities in Canada are active contributors to the common good, to the development of individual and group meaning, conscience, and ethics, and to inclusive communal bonds.
  • Faith communities provide social, recreational and artistic programs and services to everyone in the surrounding community, either directly or by supporting other organizations.

Supporting Research

Valuing Toronto's Faith Congregations
Start Here
Mike Wood Daly
June 16, 2016
Churches and faith communities of various traditions have a great deal to offer to society and to the common good. Typically, these contributions have focused on qualitative contributions that congregations make to the cultural, spiritual, and social well-being of the communities that surround them. Few studies, however, have assessed these contributions in quantitative monetary terms. Even fewer, qualitative or quantitative, have begun to explore how these realities might create a space for faith communities at the social policy table. Welcome to the Halo Project.
The Bible and Us
Andrew P.W. Bennett
May 2, 2023
The Bible is central to Christianity, but do Canadian Christians actually read and know their own scriptures? Produced with the generous support of the Canadian Bible Society, this report tries to answer that question through Cardus's work with the Angus Reid Institute surveying Canadians on their engagement with sacred texts.
Toward a Hopeful Future
Andrew P.W. Bennett, Johanna Lewis
March 16, 2023
Leaders at all levels need to do more to reduce hate crimes against Canada’s religious communities. That call comes from Toward a Hopeful Future: Facing Down Religious Hate, a Cardus research brief, which notes that religious hate crimes annually reported to Canadian police more than doubled between 2009 and 2021.

Special Projects

Diakonia Project

Diakonia Project

The Cardus Religious Freedom Institute’s Diakonia Project presents a series of eight different faith-based initiatives from different regions of the country meeting different social and economic challenges. The Greek word diakonia means the act of being called to serve. These initiatives show how Canadians of faith serve others and in so doing help to restore, sustain, and build Canadian communities.

These Canadians, our neighbours, do not undertake this work for the good of their own faith group, but for the good and the life of all. In most cases they are volunteers engaged in efforts that receive little to no government or corporate funding. When asked why he is involved in one such initiative, a volunteer said “because my deep faith calls me to do so.”

Through the Diakonia Project the impactful work of these eight initiatives is revealed through profiles authored by people directly involved and through more in-depth case studies by Cardus writers. Together they reveal what these initiatives are, who is involved in them, and why do they do what they do.

Often religious freedom is confused in our present day with the freedom to worship. While the ability to worship in peace and security is a core element of religious freedom fully lived it is not the only one. The Diakonia Project highlights that religious freedom is also the freedom to live out one’s deepest held beliefs through concrete actions that promote the common good.


Exit COVID: Toward What Matters Most (Two Night Virtual Event)
June 22, 2021
Join us as we Exit COVID: Toward what matters most.
Religion and Refugee Resettlement in Canada
May 20, 2021
A conversation based on Geoff Cameron's recently published a book on how the US and Canada have led the world in refugee resettlement, and how faith-based organizations played an essential role in this key aspect of global refugee protection.
A COVID Cold Shoulder for Churches
Peter Stockland
March 25, 2021
Peter Stockland reports on a group of B.C. Canadian Reformed Churches going to court to be allowed to come in out of the rain and worship together.

Media Coverage

King Charles Won't Be Known as 'Defender of the Faith' — Does it Matter?
May 5, 2023
"I think it's important to have our monarch having even someone above him, that being God, that he also has to report to—someone that is a higher authority than even him," says Andrew Bennett, faith communities program director for Cardus, in this CBC News story about the Canadian government's quiet decision to drop our monarch’s 16th-century religious title. Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash
Two Topics We’re Not Supposed to Talk About: Religion and Politics
Toronto Star
April 7, 2023
Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett, our faith communities program director, joins journalist Althia Raj on It's Political, her Toronto Star podcast. He explains the findings of our research brief on religious hate crimes in Canada and helps explain why religious Canadians have a role to play in politics and other spheres of life. Photo by gazali marimbo on Unsplash
Good Friday Is a Good Time to Remember Religion’s Significant Societal Benefits
The Hub
April 7, 2023
"Faith and religion have a public dimension," writes Ray Pennings, executive vice-president of Cardus. "They are not just personal and private. Canadians may be pleasantly surprised to learn that faith and faith communities are a much more significant part of our social fabric than they realize." 

What else are we working toward?

Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Recent Research
Recent Media Coverage