Long-Term Care

We suggest:

  • High quality long-term care should be available and affordable to all Canadians.

Supporting Research

People Over Paperwork
Start Here
Brian Dijkema, Johanna Lewis
November 12, 2019
Workers in Ontario’s long-term care homes provide care and support for thousands of seniors every day—but there are not nearly enough of them.  The demand for long-term care beds is rising, yet care workers' wages have fallen. Increased regulation, meanwhile, is forcing these workers to spend more time filling out paperwork, taking time away from hands-on care for residents.  This report examines the labour market challenges facing Ontario's long-term care workers and urges government to join long-term care employers and labour in implementing solutions.
We’ve Got Better Options
Ed Bosveld
October 14, 2021
An Open Letter to Premier Ford
Exit Covid: What have we learned, and where should Canada be focusing post-pandemic?
Robert Joustra
June 22, 2021
Imagine Canada like a car: we’ve just had the rare experience of smashing our economy, culture, and society into a brick wall at high speed—whether through the disease itself or our response to it. And like crash-test engineers, we now have to perform the analysis. What did we learn? How did we fare? What performed better than expected, and what worse? And, most importantly, where do we go from here?


Exit COVID: Toward What Matters Most (Two Night Virtual Event)
June 22, 2021
Join us as we Exit COVID: Toward what matters most.
Toward a Contemporary Confession of Good Medicine
Emmy Yang, Ben Frush, Brewer Eberly
June 3, 2021
Three practitioners speak.
Health By Numbers
Bob Cutillo
January 23, 2014
Are statistics becoming more important than people?

Media Coverage

Time to end vaccine passports in Ontario
AM900 CHML Hamilton
October 15, 2021
Ontario's COVID vaccine passport system isn't all it's cracked up to be. In an open letter to Premier Doug Ford, Cardus contends the passport policy "intrudes deeply into personal autonomy, yet fails the balancing test. It is an unjustified, unnecessary, and harmful overreach, with serious short- and long-term consequences." Cardus Vice-President of External Affairs Brian Dijkema explains why on Hamilton's CHML Radio. Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash
What will Ontario’s long-term care system look like post-pandemic?
Global News
December 5, 2020
While the coronavirus pandemic has put a spotlight on obvious failures in long-term care in Ontario and across Canada, experts say change will require a re-imagining of the entire system in addition to ambitious reforms. Cardus's Johanna Lewis spoke with Global news, "It’s tragic that it took a pandemic for people to really start to pay attention to the problems that are happening in long-term care, but I do see a very good opportunity for change; for not just tweaks to the system, but for real, deep reform, bold reform." 
What is Canada's COVID-19 Exit Strategy?
April 13, 2020
What might be the best way forward?  Cardus Executive Vice President Ray Pennings joins the John Oakley Show to discuss. Current conversations about the "side effects" of COVID-19 are centred around economic effects. But that isn't the only impact of the measures to reduce the number of deaths from the pandemic. There will be short-term, direct deaths from the disease, and there will be long-term deaths from the complications of both the disease and the actions taken to slow its spread. Ray and John discuss ways to shift our collective thinking to big picture and long-term to protect life the best ways possible.

What else are we working toward?

Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Strong Family Projects Human Dignity Projects Religious Freedom Projects Healthy Community Projects Formative Education Projects Recent Projects
Recent Research
Recent Media Coverage