David Hunt

B.C. Director and Education Director


David Hunt is the Education Director and the British Columbia (BC) Director at Cardus.

In addition to his BC responsibilities, David leads original research with education academics and researchers from around the globe. His research interests focus on educational pluralism, excellence in education, and graduate outcomes, with a particular aim to translate academically rigorous research into practical public policy for the common good. His work has been presented at various levels of government, appeared in all Canada’s major media, and used as evidence in court.

David holds a Master of Public Policy from Simon Fraser University and a Bachelor of Business Administration (with distinction) from Kwantlen Polytechnic University, where he was the Dean's Medal recipient.

Born and raised on the West Coast, David lives in beautiful Metro Vancouver with his wife and their children. When not at the beach, you can find them hiking the North Shore mountains or skiing the Dave Murray Downhill.

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Press Releases

Media Coverage

Are Education Vouchers a Good Model for Ontario?
Jul 5, 2022
Pandemic Learning Gaps Have Parents Digging Deep to Put their Kids in Private School
Jun 18, 2022
Expand Religious School Funding in Ontario
Feb 18, 2022
Innovation in Schooling Should be Encouraged, Not Shut Down
Feb 17, 2022
Study proves value of religious schools
Jan 5, 2022
Independent Schools Have an Advantage in Forming Good Citizens
Jul 2, 2021
Why Is Cardus a Host Organization for Converge 2022?
May 25, 2021
Hunt: Independent schools left out of Ontario's COVID support
Apr 1, 2021
Do Christian Schools Contribute to Political Polarization?
Feb 23, 2021
Unlocking the education state’s iron cage
Feb 12, 2021
David Hunt: Are churches a health hazard or essential service? A tale of two B.C. cities
Jan 22, 2021
Why Alberta parents continue to prefer independent schools
Sep 17, 2020
Flexible Education in an Age of Disruption
Aug 19, 2020
Improving Education for All Albertans
Jun 3, 2020
Homeschoolers and Harvard
May 14, 2020
Pandemic Gives Us a Chance to Re-imagine Education
May 10, 2020
What's Next: Personhood, Public Good, & Policy Conversation w/ David Hunt
May 4, 2020
The Emergency in “e-Learning”: What is Education For?
Apr 27, 2020
A Christian Appraisal of Election 2019 - Three Reasons for Hope
Oct 22, 2019
Independent schools meet an important need
Sep 25, 2019
Publicly-educated parents seeking other options for kids
Sep 11, 2019
Independent schools provide options 'a single, government-run school monopoly cannot provide'
Aug 25, 2019