Andrea Mrozek

Senior Fellow, Cardus Family


Andrea Mrozek is a Senior Fellow with Cardus Family.

Andrea’s career has spanned journalism and think tanks in Europe and Canada. Immediately prior to joining Cardus, she was Executive Director of the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada where she wrote and spoke about marriage, child care and women's issues. She is the author of a number of influential pieces including Private Choices, Public Costs: How Failing Families Cost Us All about the national public costs of family breakdown, The Cost of a Free Lunch: The Real Costs of the Pascal Early Learning Plan for Ontario and Look Before you Leap: The Real Costs and Complexities of National Daycare. While she has costed out aspects of family life, her driving interest is not about money, but rather in ensuring parents realize their full potential as the true experts in the art and vocation of stewarding their own family life.

Her opinion pieces have appeared in newspapers across Canada, and she's a frequent guest on TV and radio shows.

Born in Toronto, Andrea has a Master of Arts in History from the University of Toronto. She lives in Ottawa with her husband and daughter, whose entry on the scene late in her life has taught her immeasurably more about family and work than anything prior.

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Women's Happiness, Women's Health
Mar 4, 2019
Research Report
Appeal for Numbers
Feb 5, 2019
Convivium Article
Settle Down or Lean In?
Jan 8, 2019
Convivium Article
Daycare Double Standard
Dec 19, 2018
Convivium Article
Please Say Yes? Why Marriage Should Be Included in Modern Sexuality Education Curricula
Dec 6, 2018
Research Report
Building Better Christian Bridges
Oct 23, 2018
Convivium Article
Headquarters: Family
Sep 18, 2018
Comment Article
Why is Sex Ed Silent About Marriage?
Sep 5, 2018
Research Article
Why is Sex Ed Silent About Marriage?
Sep 5, 2018
Convivium Article
Stage Set For Life
Jun 19, 2018
Convivium Article
Single Beds Were Made for One
Jun 12, 2018
Comment Article
Screw-Loose Inclusion
May 29, 2018
Convivium Article
Speaking Up for Marriage
May 14, 2018
Convivium Article
New Census Data Shows Fewer Children Living With Married Parents: Provincial and Territorial Breakdown
Mar 22, 2018
Research Report
Daycare Demands Diversity
Mar 20, 2018
Convivium Article
#YourBudget Does You No Favours
Mar 2, 2018
Convivium Article
Unmarried With Children
Feb 20, 2018
Convivium Article
New Census Data Shows Fewer Children Living With Married Parents: National Breakdown
Feb 14, 2018
Research Report
Spice of Life
Jan 29, 2018
Convivium Article
It’s Wrong To Call Abortion A Right
Jan 23, 2018
Convivium Article
Daycare Vacancy Rates in British Columbia: The Untold Story
Dec 4, 2017
Research Article
Eight Myths of Choice
Nov 24, 2017
Convivium Article
More Than Harvey’s Secret Is Out
Oct 13, 2017
Convivium Article
Waiting Women
Aug 29, 2017
Convivium Article
Bubble Trouble
Aug 9, 2017
Convivium Article
Building Instability
Aug 3, 2017
Research Report
Ontario Botches Child Protection
Jun 20, 2017
Convivium Article
What Should Parents Think About Bill 89?
Jun 16, 2017
Research Report
Cardus What Makes A Good City Forum
Jun 9, 2017
Research Article
Avenues of Absent Children
Jun 6, 2017
Convivium Article
What Makes a Good City for Families?
Jun 5, 2017
Research Article
The Empty Daycare Dilemma
Apr 26, 2017
Convivium Article
Toronto's Increasing Daycare Surplus
Apr 25, 2017
Research Article
All the Daycare Research That's Fit to Print
Apr 13, 2017
Research Article
At the Heart of Health
Apr 5, 2017
Research Article
At the Heart of Health, Continued
Apr 5, 2017
Convivium Article
At The Heart of Health
Apr 4, 2017
Convivium Article
Celebrating Women
Mar 8, 2017
Research Article
Web of Lies About Families
Feb 18, 2017
Convivium Article
Research Before Your Romantic Search
Feb 14, 2017
Convivium Article
Defending Parental Rights
Feb 6, 2017
Convivium Article
Parental Discipline
Jan 26, 2017
Research Article
Top Five Family Issues of 2016
Dec 21, 2016
Research Article
The Tyrant’s Helpers
Dec 5, 2016
Convivium Article
Hogwash on the Glass Ceiling
Nov 14, 2016
Convivium Article
When Four Good is Too Bad
Oct 25, 2016
Convivium Article
Victim Impact Statements
Sep 1, 2016
Comment Article
Exploiting women through childcare
Aug 10, 2016
Research Article
Gender quotas don't help businesses – they don't even help women
Jun 29, 2016
Research Article
Taking Pressure Off the Foster-Care System
Jun 28, 2016
Research Article
Headquarters: Cardus Family
Jun 1, 2016
Comment Article
The Canada Family Life Project
Jun 1, 2016
Research Report
How the #changeroomproject isolates people
Apr 1, 2016
Research Article
Families in the Federal Budget 2016
Mar 21, 2016
Research Article
Cardus Statement on the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada
Feb 9, 2016
Research Article
The Swedish Series
Jan 15, 2016
Research Article
The Canadian Family: Focus on Marriage
Dec 31, 2015
Research Article
There's a life at the heart of the matter
May 30, 2013
Convivium Article
Canadian Daycare Desires
May 23, 2013
Research Article
Finding fault with no-fault divorce
Feb 22, 2012
Research Article
Family Politics: The Idea of Marriage in Modern Political Thought
Jun 8, 2011
CPiP Article
The cost of a free lunch
Nov 25, 2009
Research Article
Private choices, public costs
Jun 1, 2009
Research Article
Q&A with Andrea Mrozek, "Manager of Research and Communications for Institute of Marriage and Family Canada"
Nov 7, 2008
Comment Article
Getting children out of the house
Jul 1, 2008
Research Article

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