Cardus Statement on the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada

The IMFC is being transitioned to Cardus as part of Cardus' ongoing work and mandate to help inform evidence-based conversations on the changing social architecture in Canada.

February 9, 2016—The IMFC is being transitioned to Cardus as part of Cardus' ongoing work and mandate to help inform evidence-based conversations on the changing social architecture in Canada.

Healthy families are an important part of the Canadian social architecture and will be the focus of a new Cardus research pillar, Cardus Family.

Cardus is proud to build on the vision and hard work of those who helped establish and strengthen the IMFC.

This spring, Cardus Family will unveil its new national Canada Family Life Project and will outline its key findings.

Family is where and how we grow up and live—something intensely private and personal. It's also the bulwark of civilization—the institution undergirding all other aspects of civil society. In both cases, we can no longer take family for granted. Cardus Family seeks to examine and present research and statistics about family and engage in informed public dialogue.

Topics: Family