Peter Jon Mitchell



Peter Jon Mitchell is the Program Director for Cardus Family.

He has spent a decade and a half researching and writing about Canadian families and public policy. Active in the media, his articles have appeared in the National Post, Toronto Sun, Financial Post, and Law Now among other publications. Peter Jon holds a ThM and MTS from Tyndale Seminary and a degree in history nd political science from the University of Western Ontario. 

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Media Coverage

Nova Scotia's $10-a-day child-care plan a cautionary tale for Ontario parents
Jan 25, 2022
Negotiations underway over Ontario child care costs
Nov 24, 2021
Alberta's child-care deal with Ottawa does nothing for most families
Nov 23, 2021
Peter Jon Mitchell on why young Canadians are losing faith in the institution of marriage
Nov 4, 2021
Why young adults in Canada embrace marriage—or reject it
Nov 3, 2021
Young Canadians say "proof of love and commitment" top reason to marry
Oct 27, 2021
What do young Canadians think of marriage?
Oct 22, 2021
Quebec's child-care system isn't what you've been told it is
Oct 20, 2021
Opinion: The childcare debate is off to a good start this election. But let’s take it further
Sep 1, 2021
The many problems with Canada's national daycare plan
May 7, 2021
Mitchell and Mrozek: A national daycare system is simply a bad idea
Apr 21, 2021
Child care isn't recovery’s big challenge
Feb 16, 2021
Fund tots, not more child-care spots
Sep 17, 2020
The value of the marriage bond in times of crisis
May 31, 2020
British Columbia's “universal” daycare doesn’t serve the interests of most B.C. parents
Sep 15, 2019
How can Alberta develop more equitable provincial child care policy?
Sep 13, 2019
Marriage No Longer Ignored in Ontario’s Sex-Ed Curriculum
Sep 1, 2019
Child benefit program pays dividends but presents hurdles
Jul 19, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Canada’s Child Benefit
Jul 17, 2019
Every way you measure it, marriage leads to more stable family lives
May 12, 2019
Why we should respond to the lure of wedding bells
Mar 29, 2019
Dwindling interest in marriage a sign of the times?
Jul 16, 2018
Canadians Losing Respect for Marriage
May 29, 2018
Marriage really is worth it; so say the studies
May 22, 2018
Why marriage still matters in a healthy society
May 17, 2018
Why Children Thrive Best in Married Families
Feb 16, 2018
Andrea Mrozek and Peter Jon Mitchell: Marriage decline is bad for our children, economy
Aug 10, 2017
End-of-life care requires communities to mobilize
Nov 6, 2016
