Andrea Mrozek

Senior Fellow, Cardus Family


Andrea Mrozek is a Senior Fellow with Cardus Family.

Andrea’s career has spanned journalism and think tanks in Europe and Canada. Immediately prior to joining Cardus, she was Executive Director of the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada where she wrote and spoke about marriage, child care and women's issues. She is the author of a number of influential pieces including Private Choices, Public Costs: How Failing Families Cost Us All about the national public costs of family breakdown, The Cost of a Free Lunch: The Real Costs of the Pascal Early Learning Plan for Ontario and Look Before you Leap: The Real Costs and Complexities of National Daycare. While she has costed out aspects of family life, her driving interest is not about money, but rather in ensuring parents realize their full potential as the true experts in the art and vocation of stewarding their own family life.

Her opinion pieces have appeared in newspapers across Canada, and she's a frequent guest on TV and radio shows.

Born in Toronto, Andrea has a Master of Arts in History from the University of Toronto. She lives in Ottawa with her husband and daughter, whose entry on the scene late in her life has taught her immeasurably more about family and work than anything prior.

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Press Releases

Media Coverage

Take your time, Ontario. The rest of Canada is already singing the child-care blues
Dec 15, 2021
Quebec's child-care system isn't what you've been told it is
Oct 20, 2021
Opinion: The childcare debate is off to a good start this election. But let’s take it further
Sep 1, 2021
The Real Costs and Complexities of Universal Child Care
Jun 22, 2021
The many problems with Canada's national daycare plan
May 7, 2021
Mitchell and Mrozek: A national daycare system is simply a bad idea
Apr 21, 2021
Nobel Laureate James Heckman: ‘The Family Is the Whole Story’
Mar 15, 2021
Child care isn't recovery’s big challenge
Feb 16, 2021
Does America Need Universal Child Care to Recover from the Pandemic?
Apr 23, 2020
Child-care quality doesn’t depend on arbitrary numbers
Feb 21, 2019
Settle Down or ‘Lean In’?
Jan 7, 2019
Why does government child-care policy often have little to do with children?
Jul 27, 2018
Marriage really is worth it; so say the studies
May 22, 2018
Why marriage still matters in a healthy society
May 17, 2018
Andrea Mrozek Explains how Ontario's daycare funding helps those who need it least
Mar 28, 2018
Andrea Mrozek Comments on Ontario’s Daycare Funding Announcement
Mar 27, 2018
Andrea Mrozek discusses the "historic" $2.2 billion budget boost to licensed child care
Mar 27, 2018
Should the Rest of Canada Follow Quebec's Lead with Universal Daycare?
Mar 14, 2018
Women in the Budget
Mar 8, 2018
Andrea Mrozek on CFAX 1070
Feb 20, 2018
Cardus Census Data on 680 News
Feb 19, 2018
Why Children Thrive Best in Married Families
Feb 16, 2018
Andrea Mrozek Discusses Latest Census Data on Marriage
Feb 15, 2018
Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett, Andrea Mrozek, and Peter Stockland on Context TV
Feb 1, 2018
Andrea Mrozek of Cardus Talks About Politics and Summer Grants
Jan 11, 2018
Andrea Mrozek in Lighthouse News
Dec 12, 2017
Andrea Mrozek on AM640
Dec 12, 2017
It's a long road to $10 child care, says think-tank report
Dec 11, 2017
'I'm just a mom': Mothers suffer lack of pride as their work remains undervalued
Dec 9, 2017
Andrea Mrozek Speaks on CFAX Radio in Victoria, B.C.
Dec 5, 2017
Andrea Mrozek on The Andrew Lawton Show, AM980
Aug 8, 2017
Family census data presents new challenges for the Church
Aug 3, 2017
Canadian family stability
Aug 2, 2017
More Canadians living with Grandparents according to new Census
Aug 2, 2017
Andrea Mrozek on Ottawa's CFRA
Aug 2, 2017
Census reveals more Canadians living in multi-generational households
Aug 2, 2017
Canadian cities' faith communities cast a profitable 'halo'
Jun 7, 2017
Cookie-cutter daycare system not the answer: Report
May 7, 2017
Toronto's Daycare Policy
Apr 27, 2017
4,400 daycare spaces sitting empty in Toronto due to cost, think tank says
Apr 27, 2017
Andrea Mrozek & Councillor Janet Davis discuss daycare debate in Toronto
Apr 26, 2017
Affordable Daycare
Apr 23, 2017
Expanding State-Subsidized Daycare Across Canada
Apr 17, 2017