Jonathan Chaplin

Senior Fellow, Comment Advisory


Dr. Jonathan Chaplin is associate fellow at the British public-theology think tank Theos, adjunct faculty at the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto, and a member of the Divinity Faculty of Cambridge University. He was first director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, based in Cambridge, from 2006 to 2017. He taught political theory at ICS from 1999 to 2006, holding the Dooyeweerd Chair in Social and Political Philosophy from 2004 to 2006. He was visiting lecturer at the VU University, Amsterdam, from 2007 to 2011. He is author of Faith in Democracy: Framing a Politics of Deep Diversity (SCM 2021) and Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society (University of Notre Dame 2011) and two reports for Theos. He has also edited or coedited nine other books, most recently The Future of Brexit Britain: Anglican Reflections on British Identity and European Solidarity (SPCK 2020). He has written over thirty articles for Comment magazine. He is a member of St Paul's Anglican Church, Cambridge, UK, where he chairs the Eco Church committee and serves as Diocesan Synod rep.

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Loving Faithful Institutions: Building Blocks of a Just Global Society
Sep 1, 2011
Comment Article
Why a "Just Society" must also be a "Big Society"
Jun 8, 2011
CPiP Article
Jonathan Chaplin on God and Government
Jan 13, 2011
Cardus Audio
Coalitions, Cuts, and Compromises: The U.K. Government Six Months On
Dec 24, 2010
Comment Article
Sphere Sovereignty and Canadian Public Life
Dec 22, 2010
CPiP Article
Beyond Liberal Restraint
Jul 12, 2010
Cardus Audio
"From Big State to Big Society": Is British Conservatism becoming Christian Democratic?
Jul 9, 2010
Comment Article
God's Servant for Your Good - A Christian View of the State
Dec 1, 2009
Cardus Audio
Seeking the Welfare of the City
Dec 1, 2009
Cardus Audio
Street-Level Justice - A Christian View of the City
Dec 1, 2009
Cardus Audio
Can Nations Be Secular?
Oct 9, 2009
Comment Article
Can Nations be "Christian"? An English Debate
Aug 21, 2009
Comment Article
A new take on Tory
Apr 24, 2009
Comment Article
Living with Liberalism: understanding regimes of tolerance
Dec 22, 2006
Comment Article
Sphere Sovereignty and Canadian Public Life
Nov 8, 2006
Research Article
"Street-level Justice": governing metropolitan public space
Mar 1, 2006
Comment Article
Blessed Be the Ties That Bind (continued)
Nov 1, 2004
Comment Article
Blessed Be the Ties That Bind
Oct 1, 2004
Comment Article
Lessons from Old Europe
May 1, 2004
Comment Article
Reining in the State: Lessons from a very British affair
Mar 1, 2004
Comment Article
On Globalization: An Exercise in Public Theology
Mar 1, 2003
Comment Article
The Future of Federalism
Jul 1, 2001
Comment Article

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