Beth Green

Senior Fellow, Education


Beth Green, DPhil, is a Cardus senior fellow, education, and the provost of Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario. Before joining Tyndale, she was the program director of education at Cardus. Dr. Green holds a DPhil in Education from Oxford University. Her scholarship focuses on the intersection of faith, learning, and formation and their impact on culture and society. She is the deputy editor of the International Journal for Christianity and Education and a sought-after consultant to religious schools.

Academic Publications

Beth Green (2018) The Contours for Researching Religion and School Choice, Journal of School Choice, DOI: 10.1080/15582159.2018.1524229 

Green, E. H. (2017) Measuring Complexity in the Classroom. In J. Collier, T. George & K. Goodlet (Eds.) Better Learning: Trajectories for Educators in Christian Schools. Barton, Australia: Barton Books.

Green, E. H. & Pennings, R. (2017) Religion in Schools. In N. Buchanan and R. Fox (Eds.) Handbook of School Choice. New York: Wiley-Backwell.

Green, E. H. (2016) The Translation of Ethos in Joint Church Academies. In A. Morris (Ed.) Faith, Hope and Educational Research: Aspects of Research at the National Centre for Christian Education 2008-15. Liverpool: Hope Press.

Cooling, T, with Green, E. H., Morris, A. & L. Revell (2016) Christian Faith in English Church Schools: Research Conversations with Christian Teachers. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Flintham, A. Green, E. H. & D. Moore (2016) A Study of Ethos and Engagement in Seven Church of England Academies. In A. Morris (Ed.) Faith, Hope and Educational Research: Aspects of Research at the National Centre for Christian Education 2008-15. Liverpool: Hope Press.

Green, E. H. (2014) The negotiation and articulation of identity, position and ethos in Joint Church Academies. Research Papers in Education, 29, (3), pp. 285-299.

Green, E. H. (2013) Research in the new Christian Academies: Perspectives from Bourdieu. In M.Murphy (Ed.) Social Theory and Education Research. London: Routledge, pp. 9-21.

Green, E. H. (2012) The contribution of secular social theory to research in Christian Education. Journal of Education and Christian Belief, 16, (1), pp. 391-407.

Green, E. H. (2012) Analysing religion and education in faith-based academies. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33, (3), pp. 391-407.

Morris, A. & Green, E. H. (2012) Sharing Hope and Understanding. In A. Morris (Ed.) Catholic Education: Universal Principles, Locally Applied, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 178-183.

Green, E. H. (2010) What would Jesus do now in the classroom? The CREATe research project. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 31, (3), pp. 349-352.

Green, E. H. & Cooling, T. (2009) Mapping The Field. London: Theos.

Green, E. H. (2009) 'Speaking in Parables': The responses of students to a Bible-based ethos in a Christian City Technology College. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39, (4),pp. 443-456.

Green, E. H. (2009) Corporate Features and Faith-Based Academies. Management in Education, 23, (3), pp. 135-138.

Green, E. H. (2009) Discipline and school ethos: Exploring students' reflections upon values, rules and the Bible in a Christian City Technology College. Ethnography and Education, 4, (2), pp. 197-210.

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External Writings

Beth Green (2018) The Contours for Researching Religion and School Choice, Journal of School Choice, DOI: 10.1080/15582159.2018.1524229 

Green, E. H. (2017) Measuring Complexity in the Classroom. In J. Collier, T. George & K. Goodlet (Eds.) Better Learning: Trajectories for Educators in Christian Schools. Barton, Australia: Barton Books.

Green, E. H. & Pennings, R. (2017) Religion in Schools. In N. Buchanan and R. Fox (Eds.) Handbook of School Choice. New York: Wiley-Backwell.

Green, E. H. (2016) The Translation of Ethos in Joint Church Academies. In A. Morris (Ed.) Faith, Hope and Educational Research: Aspects of Research at the National Centre for Christian Education 2008-15. Liverpool: Hope Press.

Cooling, T, with Green, E. H., Morris, A. & L. Revell (2016) Christian Faith in English Church Schools: Research Conversations with Christian Teachers. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Flintham, A. Green, E. H. & D. Moore (2016) A Study of Ethos and Engagement in Seven Church of England Academies. In A. Morris (Ed.) Faith, Hope and Educational Research: Aspects of Research at the National Centre for Christian Education 2008-15. Liverpool: Hope Press.

Green, E. H. (2014) The negotiation and articulation of identity, position and ethos in Joint Church Academies. Research Papers in Education, 29, (3), pp. 285-299.

Green, E. H. (2013) Research in the new Christian Academies: Perspectives from Bourdieu. In M.Murphy (Ed.) Social Theory and Education Research. London: Routledge, pp. 9-21.

Green, E. H. (2012) The contribution of secular social theory to research in Christian Education. Journal of Education and Christian Belief, 16, (1), pp. 391-407.

Green, E. H. (2012) Analysing religion and education in faith-based academies. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33, (3), pp. 391-407.

Morris, A. & Green, E. H. (2012) Sharing Hope and Understanding. In A. Morris (Ed.) Catholic Education: Universal Principles, Locally Applied, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 178-183.

Green, E. H. (2010) What would Jesus do now in the classroom? The CREATe research project. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 31, (3), pp. 349-352.

Green, E. H. & Cooling, T. (2009) Mapping The Field. London: Theos.

Green, E. H. (2009) 'Speaking in Parables': The responses of students to a Bible-based ethos in a Christian City Technology College. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39, (4),pp. 443-456.

Green, E. H. (2009) Corporate Features and Faith-Based Academies. Management in Education, 23, (3), pp. 135-138.

Green, E. H. (2009) Discipline and school ethos: Exploring students' reflections upon values, rules and the Bible in a Christian City Technology College. Ethnography and Education, 4, (2), pp. 197-210.

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