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Table of Contents

    How Comfortable Are Canadians Talking About Religion?

    Extensive public opinion research shows that faith and religion are an integral part of Canadian society. But that doesn’t mean we’re comfortable addressing the subject – or even laughing about it.


    Extensive public opinion research shows that faith and religion are an integral part of Canadian society. But that doesn’t mean we’re comfortable addressing the subject – or even laughing about it. Cardus has teamed up with the Angus Reid Institute to research public opinion on such topics. Here’s what we learned when we asked about Canadians’ comfort with various aspects related to talking about religion.

    People have different attitudes about discussing and debating religious views with other people. As far as you are concerned, are each of the following acceptable or unacceptable?

    Teasing or making fun of someone’s religious beliefs: 

    Teasing or making of fun of someone’s for not having religious beliefs: 

    Trying to convince someone to change their religious beliefs (or lack thereof): 

    Generally speaking, to what extend do you (or would you) personally feel comfortable expressing your own views about each of the following in a public setting – say, at work or somewhere else in your community (not in your place of worship) with people outside your own close circle of friends?

    Your personal faith beliefs and practices:  

    Your views on abortion or assisted dying that may not be shared by the majority of public opinion: 

    How comfortable do you (or would you) feel asking co-workers or others (not from your own close circle and not from your place of worship) for donations for a cause sponsored by a religious group you belong to or support?