
Cardus Family conducts, compiles and disseminates Canadian research on family and marriage and their strengthening impact on civil society.

Program Director

Peter Jon Mitchell

Research & Policy

Private choices, public costs
Private choices, public costs

This report measures the cost of family breakdown to the public purse in Canada for the fiscal year 2005-2006. It estimates the funding directed at poverty alleviation due to family breakdown.

This report was published under IMFC auspices.

Growing up married, growing up common-law
Growing up married, growing up common-law

Connecting parental marital status with teen attitudes and behaviours.

This report was published under IMFC auspices.

Getting children out of the house
Getting children out of the house

Removing the Federal Government from the business of child care is tricky—but it can and should be done.

This report was published under IMFC auspices.

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