Statement on Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act



December 6, 2018

Brian Dijkema, Work & Economics Program Director at Cardus released the following statement today regarding the Labour Relations Act changes contained in the Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, introduced in the Ontario legislature today:

“Taxpayers stand to save, on average, about $370 million when cities, school boards, and other agencies finally open up their public projects to fair, open contract bidding. Years of research have shown what Cardus has been saying for a long time: Fair and open bidding for public construction projects is good for workers, good for the industry, good for taxpayers, and good for the province. Existing labour law penalized workers for exercising their basic freedom of association. The policy changes in this new bill encourage labour diversity while maintaining the freedom of association of all workers to organize their workplaces as they see fit, without undue government interference. This is a recognition that governments and public agencies are fundamentally different from private businesses, and the law should treat them accordingly.”

Daniel Proussalidis
Cardus - Director of Communications
613-241-4500 x508


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