Press Releases

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Single-Game Betting Bill Rewards Regressive Gambling Monopolies

November 26, 2020

Federal government should take the lead on gambling reform while changing Criminal Code.

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Expanded Medical Assistance in Dying Ignores Mainstream Concerns

November 10, 2020

New poll shows Canadians’ support for MAiD comes with caveats

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Proposed Ban on For-Profit Long-Term Care Sinks Otherwise Bold Reform Plan

November 5, 2020

Think tank says Ontario NDP long-term care plan “deserves serious attention” despite drawbacks

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Human Rights Experts Call for Canada to Speak Out About Religious Persecution in China

October 27, 2020

Experts decry “the worst assault on human rights in China since the Tiananmen massacre of 1989”

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STATEMENT on throne speech child care policy commitment

September 23, 2020

A statement from Peter Jon Mitchell, family program director at think tank Cardus

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A $67.5-Billion Annual Investment in Canadian Society

September 21, 2020

New research suggests religion produces measurable economic contributions to the common good

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COVID + WE Scandal: Federal Action on Charitable Sector Needed Now More than Ever

September 17, 2020

Canadians are feeling the financial and economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic and so are Canadian charities.

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COVID et scandale unis: des mesure fédérales au soutien du secteur caritatif sont plus nécessaires que jamais

September 17, 2020

Les Canadiens subissent les répercussions financières et économiques de la pandémie de coronavirus, tout comme les organismes de bienfaisance canadiens.

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Canada's Child Care Policy Needs to Keep Up With Challenging Times

September 8, 2020

Cardus calls for prioritizing kids, serving the diverse needs of families, and equitable funding in child care

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