Press Releases

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Ontario Education Funding Clashes with Canadian, Global Norms

September 15, 2021

Province could bring education funding to international standards for 0.3% of provincial budget.

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Ontario Should Study Independent Schools' Pandemic Successes

August 20, 2021

Many independent schools were responsive, responsible, and resolute despite lockdowns and challenges.

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Region of Waterloo saves $24-million in construction costs

July 22, 2021

Municipal construction project prices drop by average 14% after adopting fair, open contract bidding

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Community Benefits Agreements must be fair, open, and inclusive

July 15, 2021

New report challenges governments to maximize impact post-pandemic construction boom

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Independent Schools Instill Good Citizenship Values, Study Finds

June 30, 2021

Think tank report debunks myth that independent schools undermine social cohesion

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Time For Canadians To Confront Declining Fertility

June 24, 2021

Reversing fertility decline will require recovering marriage and partnership rates among young adults

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Rebuilding Post-Pandemic Ontario Must Include Gambling Reform

May 28, 2021

Gambling reform would help low-income families build savings and self-sufficiency

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Canada Needs A COVID Vaccination Incentive Program Now

May 19, 2021

New vaccination incentive could also help hard-hit small businesses and charities

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Ontario Introduces Modern, Workable Regime For Skilled Trades

May 6, 2021

Provincial government replaces former skilled trades system that was “a confusing, redundant mess”

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