Press Releases

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How Canada's Religious Congregations Produce $18.2 Billion Worth of Benefits for All

June 8, 2022

Canada’s religious congregations contribute an estimated $18.2 billion worth of benefits to their surrounding communities.

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12 Young Canadians Begin Year-Long Cardus Leadership Program

May 26, 2022

The NextGEN fellows will explore the relevance and resources of the Christian faith for their careers, callings, and interests, as well as public life today.

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10 Policy Priorities for Ontario's 2022 Election

April 26, 2022
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Ontario Should Strengthen Healthcare Workers' Conscience Rights Protections

April 19, 2022

Ontario’s government should introduce a bill to uphold and protect the freedom of conscience for health practitioners.

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Support Grows for Religious Freedom and Conscience Rights

April 18, 2022

Canadians’ enthusiasm for freedom of conscience and religion is increasing, according to a new survey by the Angus Reid Institute in partnership with think-tank Cardus.

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A Plan to Keep Places of Worship Open During Emergencies

April 12, 2022

Time to take a look at Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to create a distinct category for the treatment of religious services, rites, and ceremonies.

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Ontario Needs to Reconsider Pandemic School Closure Policy

March 29, 2022

Ontario needs a better process for deciding school system closures during pandemics or other crises.

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Statement Regarding Ontario-Federal Child Care Announcement

March 28, 2022

Peter Jon Mitchell statement on child care announcement. 

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Manitoba Should Do More Than Absorb VLT Fees For Six Months

March 24, 2022

Manitoba’s government is on the right track in deciding it can do without an estimated $1.3 million by absorbing the video lottery terminal (VLT) fees businesses would’ve paid for six months.

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