Press Releases

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Budget 2017 and "Child Care" Funding

March 22, 2017

$7 billion allotted to daycare spaces is not about the care of Canada’s children or helping parents.

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Celebrating Women

March 8, 2017

Cardus releases a poll in time for Women's Day. Check out the questions and results that got our panel talking, here

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Women's Day Poll: Women Split on Gender Parity in Politics

March 7, 2017

Radio host Tasha Kheiriddin will moderate March 8th women’s panel in Ottawa to celebrate women and discuss poll findings.

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Ontario Can Do More to Help Folks Trapped by Payday Loans

February 27, 2017

Cardus Work & Economics Program Director Brian Dijkema offers research-backed testimony on payday loan reforms to committee at Ontario legislature

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The Religious School Advantage: Creating Generous Citizens

February 16, 2017

Catholic and Evangelical high schools in the United States produce graduates who tend to volunteer and donate more to charity as adults.

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Forced Gender Parity on Corporate Boards Misguided

February 14, 2017

Government intervention on corporate board composition has failed in other jurisdictions.

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Georgetown University Brings on Cardus Senior Fellow for Work on Religious Freedom Research Project

February 9, 2017

Dr. Andrew Bennett adds international dimension to his work on Canadian religious freedom issues

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Banning Spanking Does More Harm than Good

January 26, 2017

The effort to repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada is not evidence-based policy-making.

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Competition for Public Contracts is Good for Taxpayers

January 17, 2017

Research shows Ontario cities can save hundreds of millions of dollars with open bidding for contracts.

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