Press Releases

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STATEMENT regarding the final report from the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying

February 16, 2023

The problems with medically assisted suicide do not consider the most vulnerable Canadians. 

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Majority of Canadians Opposes MAiD for Mental Illness

February 13, 2023

Polling suggests most Canadians are not on board with expanding medically assisted suicide to those whose sole condition is mental illness. And they’re deeply worried that medically assisted suicide will replace adequate social services.

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STATEMENT regarding the delay in the expansion of medically assisted suicide

February 2, 2023

The delay in the expansion of medically assisted suicide is a positive step, but isnt enough.

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DÉCLARATION concernant le report de l’expansion du suicide médicalement assisté

February 2, 2023

Le report de l'expansion du suicide médicalement assisté est une mesure positive, mais elle est pas suffisante. 

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Top Five Reasons Women Don't Have Kids

January 31, 2023

Nearly half of women in Canada have fewer children than they want, according to the new Cardus report, She’s (Not) Having a Baby: Why Half of Canadian Women Are Falling Short of Their Fertility Desires. What do women need to help them fulfill their plans for family life?

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BACKGROUNDER: She’s (Not) Having a Baby: Why Half of Canadian Women Are Falling Short of Their Fertility Desires

January 31, 2023

This one-page brief offers the highlights of She’s (Not) Having a Baby: Why Half of Canadian Women Are Falling Short of Their Fertility Desires, a Cardus report on Canada’s historically low fertility rate. 

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MAiD Expansion Will Challenge Parliament and Canada

January 30, 2023

Medical Assistance in Dying will soon heat up again as an issue on Parliament Hill. As that happens, Cardus Health is growing with the addition of Rebecca Vachon to lead our research and policy work on end-of-life care, aging and dying, and social isolation issues.

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L’élargissement De L’aide Médicale À Mourir Défieras Le Parlement Et Le Canada

January 30, 2023

L’aide médicale à mourir va prendre de l’espace comme issu politique à la colline du parlement bientôt. Au même temps, le Programme Santé de Cardus s'agrandit avec l'ajout de Rebecca Vachon pour diriger nos travaux de recherche et d'élaboration de politiques sur les soins de fin de vie, le vieillissement, la mort et les problèmes d'isolement social.

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Cultivating the Christmas Spirit Takes More Than Good Feelings

December 21, 2022

New survey data confirms what we know intuitively: Sacred texts help cultivate behaviours that serve the common good. How can a deeply pluralist Canada make more room for the communities that use these texts?

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