Press Releases

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Survey Reveals Communication Breakdown Among Church Leaders, Parents, Schools

March 19, 2019

New Barna Group study finds lack of communication hampers opportunities for spiritual formation.

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Married Parents Happier with Family Life, Have Fewer Doubts Than Cohabiting Parents

March 14, 2019

New data suggest marriage matters for adults’ satisfaction and assurance about the future.

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Five Steps to Improve Ontario's Construction Competitiveness

February 26, 2019

“Is Ontario construction open for business?” Think tank addresses Economic Club of Canada luncheon

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Time to Reinstate Federal Collection of Marriage and Divorce Stats

January 29, 2019

Letter from 31 signatories calls marriage and divorce stats “critical” for “domestic social policy.”

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Le temps est venu de rétablir la collecte fédérale de statistiques sur le mariage et le divorce

January 29, 2019

Une lettre de 31 signataires estime que les statistiques sur le mariage et le divorce sont « essentielles » dans la poursuite d’une « politique sociale intérieure »

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Universal Daycare Policies Lack Universal Support

January 22, 2019

Broad coalition signs policy paper calling for reconsideration of child care policies

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Changes Coming to Cardus Education

January 15, 2019

Cardus congratulates Dr. Beth Green on new posting at Tyndale University College and Seminary.

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New Poll: Religious Canadians More Open to Punchlines and Prayer

December 18, 2018

Canadian willingness to debate and laugh about matters of faith rises with religiosity.

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What do Math, Marriage, and Money Have in Common?

December 11, 2018

Think tank Cardus responds to the Ontario education consultation.

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