Press Releases

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Ontario's Personal Support Workers Face Time and Cash Crunch

November 12, 2019

New report identifies key factors for why personal support workers leave jobs in long-term care homes

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Canada Has Lost a True Understanding of Human Dignity

October 28, 2019

The modern misunderstanding of human dignity devalues the inherent and equal worth of all people.

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America Needs a New Attitude Toward Public Education

October 9, 2019

Think tank releases new report on the contribution private schools make to the public good

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Balfour Descendant Endorses Cardus Proposal for Heritage Home

September 25, 2019

Grandson of Chedoke’s last private owner urges Hamilton to reach lease agreement with Cardus.

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New Philanthropist Steps Up to Support Balfour House Proposal

September 19, 2019

 Respected Hamilton-area employer offers to financially back Cardus’s heritage restoration plan.

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Balfour House One Step Closer to Restoration and Re-Opening

September 18, 2019

Cardus looks forward to negotiating a lease agreement with the City of Hamilton.

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Top Three Reasons Ontario Kids Attend Independent School: Safety, Support, and Character Development

September 10, 2019

67% of parents with kids in Ontario independent schools made major financial changes to afford tuition.

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Major Hamilton Company Backs Cardus Balfour House Proposal

August 28, 2019

Budget Environmental joins Cardus as lead philanthropic partner in OpenBalfour project.

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Safety, Support, Character: Why Average British Columbians Send Their Kids to Independent Schools

August 21, 2019

Think tank report profiles parents in British Columbia’s independent school community.

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