Cardus Makes Charitable Submission to Committee on Finance


On January 17, Cardus renewed the fight for a new charitable tax proposal. We made a submission to the Canadian federal government's Standing Committee on Finance.

In it, we made two recommendations:

  1. An immediate and substantial increase to the charitable tax credit rate that is designed to provide benefits to the “civic core” of donors who, by their previous behaviour, have proven their reliability and likelihood of investing this back into the charitable sector.
  2. Continued financial investment in exploring and developing alternative forms of charitable and non-profit organizational structures that will be able to utilize financial and other capital effectively through development of new social enterprise platforms and approaches. This will require legal, financial, and regulatory innovations.

Read our entire submission here



Cardus is a non-partisan think tank dedicated to clarifying and strengthening, through research and dialogue, the ways in which society's institutions can work together for the common good.