Ray Pennings on 570 News: Institutions need to maintain their identities

570 News

Cardus executive vice president Ray Pennings appeared on Kitchener, Ontario's The Eric Drozd Show with guest host Glenn Pelletier to discuss the recent news that an Atheist minister is fighting to continue working for the United Church

Pennings discussed how the institutional identity of the church includes certain fundamental beliefs, and how leadership in churches must commit to those beliefs in order to be effective leaders. If Rev. Gretta Vosper wanted to start a different organization to support a community sharing her beliefs, Pennings said, that would be well within her rights. But to ask the United Church conform to her beliefs is to challenge its very reason for existing.

You can listen to this episode by clicking the link and selecting Friday, August 7th, 2015 - 11am.

Topics: Religion, Vocation