Michael Van Pelt: 'Students are losing by not learning'


Cardus president Michael Van Pelt appeared on Hamilton's AM900 last night to discuss the article he wrote for The Globe and Mail yesterday: "How to break Ontario's monopoly on education."

Van Pelt explains:

Premier Wynne is about to do what collective bargaining agreements should never, ever have to do; she's interfering with a robust collective bargaining agreement and using her power to essentially break the contract. No one in the labour movement can support that kind of thing. ... Create competitive environments where you can have robust collective bargaining without the power differentials of near-monopolies like we have here—this would be a win/win for everybody.

Learn more about the Cardus Education program's recent report on Onatrio's education system: "Toward a Warmer Climate for Ontario's Private Schools."

Topics: Education, Labour, Policy