Discussing Freedom of Religion or Belief


On January 21st at 9:00 ET, www.OpenCanada.org—the online home of the Canadian International Council—will be hosting an online discussion on freedom of religion or belief and the future of Canada's Office of Religious Freedom. Discussion participants include:

  • United Nations Special Rapporteur Heiner Bielefeldt
  • Member of Parliament David Anderson
  • Member of Parliament Scott Reid
  • Dr. Malcolm Evans (Bristol)
  • Dr. Nazila Ghanea-Hercock (Oxford)
  • Dr. Janet Epp-Buckingham (Trinity Western)
  • The discussion will be moderated by Robert Joustra (Cardus Policy in Public)

To view the discussion, go to www.OpenCanada.org. Questions can be tweeted @TheCIC #CICFoRB.