Dijkema responds, defends impossibility of College of Trades

Senior Researcher Brian Dijkema responds to union criticisms of the Cardus study on the Ontario College of Trades. He writes:

It appears union leaders defending the College of Trades think (“Proponents Stand Up for College of Trades,” Oct. 3 ) the recent Cardus research (“College of Trades: An Impossible Institution”) is “political” and lacking objectivity. The IBEW’s John Grimshaw goes so far as suggesting that since Cardus “didn’t ask us, they certainly didn’t ask our employers, so I don’t know where they figure they got their research.” Their defence actually makes our point. Our April 2011 study of the College (“Where is the Research?”) highlighted that no publicly available data has been produced to support basic premises of the legislation. It would seem that Mr. Dillon et al have either not read the report, or that they are deliberately ignoring its methodology and content.

Read the rest of his Letter to the Editor here.