Cardus mentioned in The Walrus

The Walrus

In a feature on Min. Jason Kenney in the current issue of The Walrus, writer Marci McDonald sets the scene at Work and Economics event Canada's New Industrial Revolution, at which Min. Kenney, in his role as Minister of Employment and Social Development, was the keynote speaker.

Cardus executive vice president Ray Pennings is quoted:

Although Kenney has shown an increasing willingness to compromise, friends cannot imagine that, like Harper, he would water down his religious principles for the exigencies of realpolitik. Certainly, they cannot imagine him betraying his pro-life convictions. “These aren’t tags Jason conveniently holds to appeal to a constituency,” says Ray Pennings, executive vice-president of Cardus, a conservative Christian think tank. “This is who he is in his bones.”

Convivium editor Fr. Raymond J. de Souza was also quoted in the article, and Ms McDonald mentioned Pennings and de Souza in an interview on CBC's Power and Politics, which you can watch on video here.

The full text of the article, which also includes quotes from Convivium editor Fr. Raymond J. de Souza, is available at