Toronto the Good (Past Event)

Date + Time

Thu, 22 November 2007
7:00 PM

Quick Summary

How do church and city connect in today’s global cities? Do these bodies have anything constructive to offer each other? Participants joined Cardus for a morning of conversation on Toronto the Good, the forthcoming report on church, neighbourhoods and city building.


This investigative report brings urban centres and their religious institutions back into the dialogue of city building. Inside Toronto the Good you will find substantial, qualitative and original investigations with bearing on the problems and potentials in the city of Toronto, and its communities of faith and hope.

Toronto the Good connects hundreds of municipal, business, social service and municipal leaders with an interactive research initiative meant to change their understanding of city building, and the place of the church in the city.

This event is part of the Stained Glass Urbanism research project.

Date + Time

Thu, 22 November 2007
7:00 PM


Sutton Place Hotel
Queen Victoria Ballroom
Toronto, Ontario