The Church, the State, and the Pandemic (Past Event)

The Church, the State, and the Pandemic

Date + Time

Thursday, Oct 15, 5:30-6:30pm ET

Quick Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting quarantine restrictions have impacted many aspects of our lives. Faith communities in particular have faced restrictions on public worship and on their community outreach and have had to adapt. Some argue these restrictions to be reasonable while others see them as unreasonable limits on religious freedom.


Watch the webinar here:

What have we learned from the past 7 months about the duties of the civil authorities to churches and other faith communities during a time of quarantine? What are the duties of churches and faith communities? What role must churches and other faith communities play in addressing the significant challenges we face in maintaining our common life as citizens?

The Cardus Religious Freedom Institute hosted a webinar to explore these questions with three leading commentators.

Dr. Moira McQueen, Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute (CRFI Advisory Board)
Dr. Tim Lau, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Prof. Douglas Farrow, McGill University (CRFI Advisory Board)

Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett, Director of the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute (CRFI)


Church, COVID-19

Date + Time

Thursday, Oct 15, 5:30-6:30pm ET


Live Webinar Panel Discussion