Mission, Worldview and the University (Past Event)

Date + Time

Jan 7-11, 2009

Quick Summary

Featuring keynote addresses from Senior Fellow and Director of Research Ray Pennings, and Senior Fellow and Editor of Comment, Gideon Strauss.


Historically the university has been central to the mission of the church. Using Mike Goheen and Craig Bartholomew's Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview (Baker Academic, 2008) as a launching pad, this conference explores the strategic interface of mission, worldview and the Christian university and its different subject areas today.

Ten keynote addresses will be given by internationally known speakers from Europe, the USA and Canada. Speakers will also lead two seminars in their particular disciplines (theology, philosophy, business, politics, psychology, sport science, literature, the arts, the sciences, education). There will also be an opportunity for participants to present papers related to the conference theme.

The conference will be framed in liturgy and worship and culminate in a concert and worship service with Michael Card.

For more information, and to register please visit the conference website.

Date + Time

Jan 7-11, 2009


Redeemer University College
Hamilton, Ontario