Living on the Streets: The Role of the Church in Urban Renewal (Past Event)

Date + Time

Fri, 14 October 2005
7:00 PM

Quick Summary

The launch of the first Cardus White Paper on religion and urban revitalization, Living on the Streets. Hosted by Hamilton City Hall the event release featured keynotes from project researchers, and responses from municipal leadership.


Times in Hamilton are changing. Theories of secularization have been discredited in many circles as unable to account for the true complexity of human life. People are taking a renewed interest in the role played by religion, both in theoretical perspective and in personal commitment.

Living on the Streets suggests that established religious communities—churches, synagogues, mosques, and the like—are institutions with a critical role to play in the urban life of Hamilton. In this study, project leader Michael Van Pelt and researcher Richard Greydanus worked through several case studies of churches in the city of Hamilton, and examine in what ways they contribute to urban life. Working from within New Urbanist models this study suggests that churches transcend social boundaries, sustain immanent community engagement, draw membership back into urban downtowns, cultivate private investment and protect sacred spaces.

Cardus presented this White Paper at Hamilton’s City Hall with Vanessa Grupe, Jeff Neven, Brad Clarck, and Jim Peterson responding. This event is part of the Stained Glass Urbanism Research Project.

Date + Time

Fri, 14 October 2005
7:00 PM


Hamilton City Hall
Room 110
Hamilton, Ontario