Is Canadian Healthcare at Risk? (Past Event)

Is Canadian Healthcare at Risk?

Date + Time

Tuesday, November 15, 4pm to 5pm

Quick Summary

Join us for an online conversation about the system-wide effects of MAiD on Canadian Healthcare.


We are relaunching Cardus Health, a rigorous research program that will focus on care for the whole person- what does it look like, and how far are we from it?

To initiate this relaunch, we're hosting a webinar where we'll hear from three Cardus Senior Health fellows, who will share their experiences as Canadian physicians and reflect on the current state of Canada's healthcare system.

In a thriving society, Canada would be host to a robust healthcare system, one that cares for the whole person and honours human dignity. In a country where our priorities seem to be on expanding MAiD rather than investing in palliative care and social services, social isolation is an increasing public health matter, and conscience rights of both providers and recipients of healthcare are being challenged, we need to examine where our healthcare system is headed.

Some of the questions we'll be examining in this webinar include:

What are the unintended consequences of MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying)? How do these problems impact each of us?

What impact does MAiD have on healthcare workers?

What sort of resources should we be putting into palliative care?

How might Cardus Health address and contribute to solutions on these issues?

Register today, and join us online for this important conversation.

Date + Time

Tuesday, November 15, 4pm to 5pm


Online Webinar