Introducing the Calgary City Soul Project (Past Event)

Date + Time

April 1, 2009

Quick Summary

What does the soul-less city look like? Picture a future Calgary, an urban community without sacred space. 


What happens when people from different cultures, incomes and ages no longer meet in a single place as peers? What anchors the volunteerism that sustains our social programs and pulls our neighbourhoods together? Where do our polling stations and community groups go when their local meeting spaces begin to disappear? Picture a city where as much as a quarter of the population has to leave downtown to worship despite living in a space designed to cater to the full range of human need. Think about how this would change the very fabric of our streets and our character as citizens.

We envision a more vital downtown Calgary but we need your help. Join Cardus as president Michael Van Pelt introduces the Stained Glass Urbanism project for Calgary. Growing out of the September 2008 Living in Good Faith conference, this latest chapter seeks to explore how community, culture, creativity and church contribute to Calgary's spiritual infrastructure. Here we begin searching for the Calgary City Soul.

Date + Time

April 1, 2009