Greenlighting Trade: 2007 (Past Event)

Date + Time

Tue, 11 September 2007
7:00 PM

Quick Summary

At Greenlighting Trade: 2007 we discussed North American trade metaphors, including strengths and weaknesses of each as surfacing key insights into Canada-U.S. Trade.


Three metaphors inform policy models of Canada's international trade and the integration of its economy with the world: "gateways," "supply chains," and "trade corridors." The metaphors emanate from at least three separate departments of the federal Government of Canada. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade - specifically, the Ministry of International Trade - are pursuing a "gateways" model, particularly focused on Canada's trade with the Asia-Pacific rim. For the past approximately two years, the federal Department of Industry has sought to drill down on how especially Canada-U.S. trade occurs within corporate entities with the concept of "global supply chains." Particularly in the mid- to late-1990s, the federal Department of Transport focused its policy development efforts on using "trade corridors" as a means of understanding Canada's infrastructure needs in respect of trade.

At Greenlighting Trade: 2007 we discussed each, including strengths and weaknesses of each as a metaphor surfacing key insights into Canada-U.S. Trade. We pointed to the strengths of "trade corridors" to account for the strengths of the other metaphors. We described Canada's six largest export sectors or trade corridors, especially in relation to the United States. We summarized challenges arising from the three most valuable sectors, then took a look at how recent policies of the federal government and recent agreements between the U.S. Government and the Government of Canada have responded to and affected these. Finally, we described in more general terms "the Canadian advantage" factors that position Canada favourably in respect of international trade with the United States, in particular.


8:00 am Breakfast and Introductions
8:30 am Introductions - Chairs: Rob Wildeboer; Chairman, Martinrea and John McManus;
Senior Vice President, Borealis Infrastructure

8:45 am

Brian Lee Crowley, Clifford Clark Visiting Economist, Department of Finance Canada and President of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (on leave)

9:15 am Discussion paper panel (Chris Sands, Hudson Institute; David Stewart-Patterson, Canadian Council of Chief Executives; Russ Kuykendall, Work Research Foundation)
9:30 am Roundtable discussion:
  • "Gateways" v. "Trade Corridors"
  • "Canada/China trade" v. "Canada/India trade"
  • "Canada/Asia trade" v. "Canada/U.S. Trade"
  • "Supply/Value Chains v. "Trade Corridors"
10:15 am Health break
10:45 am Roundtable discussion continues
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Summary - Chris Sands, Hudson Institute and Michael Van Pelt, Work Research Foundation
1:15 pm Respondents
1:45 pm SWOT analysis of Canada's international trade/Canada's trade with U.S.
2:45 pm Health break
3:00 pm "Number One priority" for Canada's trade policy
3:45 pm Concluding remarks - Brian Lee Crowley/Ray Pennings, Work Research Foundation, Vice President of Research

Date + Time

Tue, 11 September 2007
7:00 PM


Chateau Laurier
Adam Room
Ottawa, Ontario