God and the Global Economy (Past Event)

Date + Time

April 16-17, 2010

Quick Summary

On April 16-17 Cardus and the Marketplace Institute, Regent College will host some of the best thinkers and practitioners in international political economy and theology to respond to the Pope's encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. These responses will continue to refine and expand on the dialogue that the Pope has created through this important document, and bring some of its critical insights - and problems - into focus.


God and the Global Economy

Including: Paul Mills, Paul Oslington, Stephen Long, Fr. Raymond deSouza, Emile VanVelsen

God and the Global Economy is a two day conference (an evening and full day), inviting some of the best thinkers and practitioners in international political economy and theology to respond to the Pope's encyclical Caritas in Veritate. These responses will continue to refine and expand on the dialogue that the Pope has created through this important document, and bring some of its critical insights - and problems - into Protestant focus. There will be an emphasis on both theological and theoretical reflection on the one hand, and policy development, institutional design and implementation on the other.

Register now!

Read the backgrounder, Doing the Truth in Love: A Call for Evangelical Response to Caritas in Veritate and the encyclical itself, online here: Caritas in Veritate

Date + Time

April 16-17, 2010


Regent College
5800 University Blvd
Vancouver, British Columbia