Foundations for a Post-Pandemic World (Past Event)

Foundations for a Post-Pandemic World

Date + Time

Wednesday, December 9, 4-5pm ET

Quick Summary

A free webinar with Cardus co-founders Michael Van Pelt and Ray Pennings on rebuilding the foundations for a post-pandemic world. 


The currency of public dialogue has changed. Data and logic can be changed out with “desired outcomes” and “alternative facts” as a normal part of discourse.

What do we understand as the common good? How has that idea changed in the last decade? And—most importantly—how do we build the foundation for a stronger post-pandemic future?

Follow along as Cardus co-founders Michael Van Pelt and Ray Pennings chart a course for a way forward.

Also see the handout "Ten Policy Considerations".

Date + Time

Wednesday, December 9, 4-5pm ET


Live Webinar