Essential Services: Working to Reopen Ontario's Faith Hubs (Past Event)

Essential Services: Working to Reopen Ontario's Faith Hubs

Date + Time

Friday, February 26, 3-4 pm ET

Quick Summary

The Ontario lockdown has seen faith communities endure strict regulation, especially in the red and grey zones. Astride the resulting fault lines, Cardus sees short-term and long-term opportunity for elected and spiritual leaders to work more collaboratively.

Cardus is facilitating this conversation between faith leaders with three Ontario legislators and invites you to join in on this important discussion.


Watch the panel discussion webinar:

The pandemic lockdown in many ways has brought us together to work more collaboratively. This panel discussion will focus on some common ground concerning faith communities. 

In the here and now:

  • the roadmap for reopening faith hubs, for worship and for vital community services.
  • measures to mitigate current and future damage to Ontarians' mental and spiritual health.

 And looking ahead:

  • faith communities assisting the public in the return to normal.
  • faith communities and planning departments building better muscles for mutual long-term gain.


Church, COVID-19

Date + Time

Friday, February 26, 3-4 pm ET


Live Webinar Panel Discussion