Decretum Symposium III - Human Dignity: Secular and Religious Perspectives (Past Event)

Decretum Symposium III - Human Dignity: Secular and Religious Perspectives

Date + Time

Thu, 26 September 2019
4:00 PM

Quick Summary

In our third and final symposium, we explored the concept of human dignity, with a focus on how our understanding of dignity affects medical ethics, the law, and ultimately how we interact with one another in the public square.

Read the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute's paper, Who Are You? Reaffirming Human Dignity.


The previous two Decretum Symposia examined the relationship between religious law and civil law to identify one unique aspect of how religious communities engage public institutions.

At the heart of the Decretum project is the belief that people of faith can live their lives of faith fully all the while being deeply engaged citizens inhabiting the public square.

Date + Time

Thu, 26 September 2019
4:00 PM


Ottawa, ON