Cardus & ILS Debate (Past Event)

Cardus & ILS Debate

Date + Time

November 14, 2016 - 6:00pm

Quick Summary

Be it resolved that the sole purpose of business is to maximize profit. In favour of the resolution is Matt Bufton, executive director of the Institute for Liberal Studies. Debating against it is Brian Dijkema, Program Director for Work and Economics at Cardus.


The role of corporate responsibility is increasingly in the limelight as corporations are involved not only in charitable giving, but also in social justice campaigns. Do corporations have a responsibility to the public that goes beyond maximizing profit for shareholders?

Come for the debate, stay for the camaraderie and socializing at the Cardus Ottawa office.

Date + Time

November 14, 2016 - 6:00pm


Cardus Ottawa
45 Rideau Street
7th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario