Capitalism, Culture and Character (Past Event)

Capitalism, Culture and Character

Date + Time

Thu, 05 December 2019
7:30 AM

Quick Summary

A discussion on Capitalism, Culture and Character featuring David Brooks, Arthur C. Brooks and Anne Snyder moderated by Steve Paikin.


“Heads I win, tails you lose.” As capitalist economies are viewed with more and more distrust and suspicion, it’s time for individuals and institutions to reach back to the roots of trust. Can we find hopeful answers to fragmentation, consumerism, isolation, and polarization?

Join us for breakfast and a conversation with New York Times columnist David Brooks, Arthur C. Brooks, Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School and Anne Snyder, editor-in-chief of Comment magazine. The panel discussion will be moderated by Steve Paikin of The Agenda with Steve Paikin.

Date + Time

Thu, 05 December 2019
7:30 AM


Toronto Board of Trade
Lennox Hall - First Canadian Place Suite 350
77 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON
M5X 1C1