The Wound of Beauty

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

Gregory Wolfe probes the modern Christian's openness to beauty, to imagination, and to the truth in the darker side of life.

Audio Length: 00:40:32

Welcome back to think! We focus today on art, and on beauty. What you'll hear is a wonderful lecture by Gregory Wolfe, editor of Image Journal. He's going to probe the modern Christian's openness to beauty, to imagination, and to the truth in the darker side of life.

Greg Wolfe is Writer in Residence at Seattle Pacific University, and the founder and editor of Image, one of the United States' leading literary quarterlies, now celebrating its 20th anniversary. Image is the fifth most popular literary journal in the US, by paid circulation. Wolfe also directs the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program at the University. In 2005, Wolfe served as a judge for the National Book Awards. He has published essays, reviews, and articles in numerous journals, including First Things. His essays have been anthologized in collections such as The Best Christian Writing. Among his books are Intruding Upon the Timeless, a biography of Malcolm Muggeridge, and Sacred Passion: The Art of William Schickel. A new collection of his essays, Beauty Will Save the World, is forthcoming from ISI Books. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

Topics: Arts