The Strategy of Salt

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

This lecture highlights the principle that there’s no better way – or perhaps no other way at all – for Christians to change culture, than to do it together.

Audio Length: 00:24:18

Most of what we do here at Cardus is about salt – it’s about being a preservative, not for food, but for culture. The Christian’s cultural mandate is to be salt and light in a society that’s losing its moorings, and our mission is to try to show them how. We come at it on different mediums, and we target different spheres of society in our studies, but it all shares that common purpose of showing Christians how to live in the light of God: when they’re working, buying, voting, volunteering… when they’re watching, playing, reading, and doing every other day-to-day routine.

This think CD highlights the principle that there’s no better way – or perhaps no other way at all – for Christians to change culture, than to do it together.

Ray Pennings, our Director of Research, draws on the principle of Stephen Harper’s win, and considers James Hunter’s multi-dimensional To Change the World argument, as he tries to answer the question, What is to be done if we as Christians want to really participate in, and really change, this society?

Topics: Culture, Vocation