Spiritual Capital

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

Spiritual capital is a concept which provides the tread for walking faithfully in a society that gets more secular every day.

Audio Length: 01:06:14

The third installment of our thINK audio series is here, and our latest WRF product is just in time: spiritual capital is a concept which provides the tread for walking faithfully in a society that gets more secular every day.

First, David Sweet introduces, in layman's terms, the idea of "spiritual capital."

Next, Michael Van Pelt speaks on "The Church in Urban Centers," arguing that the church's ability to create community has a greater impact than most of today's city planners realize.

Ray Pennings then examines "Faith in the Business Sector," looking at a California furniture and appliance company's decision to be explicit in its corporate values, and the effects on their day-to-day business mechanics.

And finally, Gideon Strauss picks up David's introduction of spiritual capital, and ponders its place in the public square.

Topics: Religion