Short-Termism and some Significant Challenges to the Capital Markets

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

"Short-termism" in how we manage our money, our capital markets, and social policy holds long-term consequences for the viability of the Canadian economy and for the next generation of Canadians.

Audio Length: 01:02:21

“Short-termism” in how we manage our money, our capital markets, and social policy holds long-term consequences for the viability of the Canadian economy and for the next generation of Canadians. Jonathan Wellum offers his analysis of “short-termism” and the serious problems this approach is leading to in each of these spheres of life. Wellum proposes an alternative that he thinks will lead to growth and human flourishing over the long term.

Jonathan Wellum has a distinguished career in the financial industry, holding various positions including his present role as the Chief Executive Officer and Portfolio Manager with AIC Limited.

Topics: Business