Scott Masson: The Moral Enterprise of Education

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

Dr. Scott Masson is an associate professor of English at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario. He is also chairman of the Westminster Classical Christian Academy in Toronto, which opened in September of 2014. He spoke with Cardus's Doug Sikkema about the intersection of classical education with Christian education, why creating elitists might not be a bad thing, and whether equality is all it's cracked up to be.

"Education is first and foremost a moral enterprise. It's about training in virtue. Even the pagan educators recognized that."

Audio Length: 00:29:15

Dr. Scott Masson is an associate professor of English at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario. He is also chairman of the Westminster Classical Christian Academy in Toronto, which opened in September of 2014. He spoke with Cardus's Doug Sikkema about the intersection of classical education with Christian education, why creating elitists might not be a bad thing, and whether equality is all it's cracked up to be.

"Education is first and foremost a moral enterprise. It's about training in virtue. Even the pagan educators recognized that."

Topics: Education