Nurturing the Ties That Bind

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

In the whole of life, there's a time to widen the table and welcome the stranger, and a time to narrow it for your smaller circle.

Audio Length: 00:10:14

In the whole of life, there's a time to widen the table and welcome the stranger, and a time to narrow it for your smaller circle.

A native Californian, Andi Ashworth has lived in Nashville, Tennessee with her family since 1989. Andi is a writer (author of Real Love for Real Life: The Art and Work of Caring), gardener, cook, a lover of good books, and has recently finished her Master of Arts in Theological Studies.

Andi partners with her musical husband, Charlie Peacock, in the non-profit work of Art House America, a 501c3. The Art House America mission is to contribute to the making of artists and artful people who become highly imaginative and creative culture makers, who continue to mature spiritually, love well, and make known the kingdom of God. Andi and Charlie's home, the Art House, a one-hundred-year-old, renovated country church, provides the setting for their work, which includes owning and operating a recording studio, and running award-winning music/film production and publishing companies.

Topics: Vocation