Isaiah 60, Barack Obama, and a New Era of Responsibility

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

"I fear that many of my friends who have been deeply inspired by the Obama campaign may not be able to sustain, over the next years, the sense of hope and responsibility that they felt last year, or that they feel this year. And so it raises for me this question: If we as Christians are called to engage in our culture, what sustains us? What gives us hope? What encourages us as we attempt to answer to our callings, to live out our vocations?"

Audio Length: 00:30:14

"I fear that many of my friends who have been deeply inspired by the Obama campaign may not be able to sustain, over the next years, the sense of hope and responsibility that they felt last year, or that they feel this year. And so it raises for me this question: If we as Christians are called to engage in our culture, what sustains us? What gives us hope? What encourages us as we attempt to answer to our callings, to live out our vocations?"

Originally delivered at Jubilee 2009, this talk by Dr. Gideon Strauss was made even more prescient with his subsequent appointment as president of the Center for Public Justice in Washington, D.C. Gideon also remains the editor of Comment Magazine and a Senior Fellow with Cardus.

Topics: Justice, Religion